zaterdag 26 april 2008

Pain Rustique (variation) - Hamelman

Last night I baked the pain rustique for the second time. I did make a variation though, I used some spelt flour and some white rye as well.
I love to work with this dough as it does not need any shaping, also the way the crust looks with the flour on top is very nice.
Holes in the crumb were large and irregular and I really enjoyed eating it.

4 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

Normally, unshaped breads are either rectangular or square. How did you get yours round?

ladiesfromneptune zei

That is correct, but I bake mine in a die cast pot, so that is where they get the round shape during oven spring.

Anoniem zei

That's the best looking pain rustique from the Hamelman book I've seen so far. Great.

ladiesfromneptune zei

Thanks Nils, I appreciate the feedback a lot!