maandag 11 februari 2008

Golden Honey Oat bread

I found the recipe on this blog (see link)Uit de keuken van Arden - In the Kitchen with Arden: Brood met honing, havervlokken en lijnzaad (Golden Honey Oat Bread) and decided to try it. Very tasty indeed! Delicious bread!

2 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei


Just passing by your blog as I'm an avid home baker as well. I'm actually staying in Wageningen in the Netherlands. Whereabouts are you from? Just wanted to ask, where do you get those coiled wicker bannetons from?

p.s. your breads look great!

ladiesfromneptune zei

Bedankt edmund!
Ik bevind me in het midden van België (Aalst.) Je kan de bannetons vinden op Bedankt voor de feedback! PS :Sourdough companion is een coole site.