dinsdag 1 juli 2008

"Ana, damn 'er!" Anadama bread - Peter Reinhart

This bread has a very strong flavor, my household did not dig it at all. I kinda did, but I must say the bread has an outspoken taste because of the black molasses I used.
Peter Reinhart suggests using the lightest you can find.
Interesting bread, because I never used cornmeal. If I ever find Golden Molasses I will make this one again.

3 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

Is this the version from BBA or the whole grains book? I think the whole grains version works really well with the molasses.

ladiesfromneptune zei

Hi Jude, no this is the recipe from the BBA book. I don't own the whole grains book yet.

Anoniem zei

Maybe it's because I'm not from the Northeast US, but I found this bread to only be edible when still warm. I'm not crazy about molasses.