zondag 19 oktober 2008

Pain au Levain - Hamelman

I've been making the second batch of 'pain au levain' bread because I like working with Levain if I have the time for it. When you are able to make a decent work schedule this is doable. Sometimes I suffer from bad planning.
I adjusted the formula a bit, I did use less water than I should have, this to avoid the dough ball becoming too flat, I had my spouse complaining about this.

In this particular case, I started working on these breads at 7PM. I had a piece of sourdough from my previous batch, and I figured that at 1AM they would go in the oven. Wrong!
At 1AM the loaves were still under proofed.
So I went to bed for less than 5 hours, fired up the oven at 6AM and baked them at 7AM.
So they had this long and slow fermentation, which will have had a good influence on the taste. Haven't tried them yet, looking forward to taste them.

dinsdag 14 oktober 2008

Vermont Sourdough rye - Hamelman

I totally love this bread! I love the taste, I love the firm crumb. This bread is pretty awesome! I have made it a few times past weeks.

woensdag 1 oktober 2008

Dan Lepard - Quick white loaf

I made a variation on the quick white loaf of the Dan Lepard book.
I love it, used some rye in it, and the optional millet he mentions
in the book. Awesome!